The tourney required a symmetrical position and we presented the first symmetrical Berlin problem.
Try: 1.Rh2? (thr. 2.Rh8#) but 1…Bf3#! (Berlin mate)
1.Rb2? (thr. Rxb5 Bb3+ 3.Rxb3 Kc8/e8 4.Rb8#) but 1…a6!
Solution: 1.Se5! (thr. 2.Rh2 Bf3+ 3.Sxf3! 4.Rh8#) 1…dxe5 2.Rh2 Bf3+ (downgraded mate) 3.Kc5 Bxc6 4.Kxc6 Kc8/e8 5.Rh8# 3...Bh5 4.Rxh5 Kc8/e8 5.Rh8# 1...g6 2.Rh2 Bh5 3.Rxh5 gxh5 4.Rg2 Kc8/e8 5.Rg8#
There is no superfluous unit on the diagram just for the sake of symmetry.