
A moremover with a sacrificial try that fails only to the king flight seen in the main continuation, not to the acceptance of the sacrifice. Dependent on the flight of the king a Siers battery with two mates, or two mates by the rook.

Tries: 1.Rh2/Ba7? but 1…Kd3!
Solution: 1.Bf2! Kd3 2.Sd4+ Kd2 3.Rc3 (zz) Kd1 4.Be3 Ke1 5.Rc1# 2...Kc4 3.Rxb3 (zz) 4.Sf3+ Kxc6 5.e5# 4...Kc4 5.Sd2# 2...Ke4 3.Rg3 (zz) 4.Se2+ 4...Ke4 5.Re3#