Four white sacrifices in a row (with no check to the bK) while keeping black continuously under threat of mate in 1 to ultimately divert away the bRb7 so as to deactivate the strong black defensive move Be1+ and play Sf3. The position is legal.
Solution: 1.Qd3 exd3 2.e8=S Sxe8 3.Bd5 cxd5 4.Sf7 Rxf7 5.Sf3 (and white will keep threatening Se5# until the end) 5...Re7 6.dxe7 Be1+ 7.Kb6 Ba5+ 8.Kxa5 ~ 9.Se5# 5...Be1+ 6.Kb6 Re7/Rb7+ 7.dxe7/axb7 Ba5+ 8.Kxa5 ~ 9.Se5# 6…Ba5+ 7.Kxa5 Re7 8.dxe7 ~ 9.Se5#