The Lepuschütz theme doubled with no dualized full-length variations.
Solution: 1.Sh7 Rg6 2.Rb6 Rxb6+ 3.Kc1 Rg6 4.Rg1 Rxg1+ 5.Kd2 Rg6 6.Sg5+ Rxg5 7.Se3 Rg3 8.Bxg3 any 9.Bd3
Just a few months after the problem appeared in print in Idee & Form, Die Schwalbe accepted an article for publication (Heft 238, S. 202-203, August 2009) which highlighted that the second Lepuschütz maneuver in the problem was not pure of aim (4.Kd2? but 4…Rd6+! inter alia). Strangely enough, as far as I know such a way of considering the purity of aim in a Lepuschütz maneuver had not been remarked before in any of the previous examples. Be it as it may, a technically correct version of the same problem will appear in Idee & Form 2010.