Tries:                                   Solution:
01.Bf3-b7?, but – e5-e4!      01.e2-e4! (Zugzwang) Ka7-a8
01.Bf3-g4?, but – e5-e4!      02.Kc7xb6! Ka8-b8
01.e2-e3?, but – e5-e4!        03.Bf3-g4 Kb8-a8
01.Kc7-c8??                        04.Kb6-c7! [Switchback] Ka8-a7
01.Kc7-c6??                        05.Bg4-c8 Ka7-a8
01.Bf3-e4?? Stalemate!        06.Bc8-b7+ Ka8-a7
                                            07.b5-b6# Modelmate
Tries:                                   Solution:
01.Bg3xe5?, but –Ka7-a8!   01.Bg3-f2! (Zugzwang) e5-e4/Ka7-a8
01. e2-e4?, but –Ka7-a8!     02.Bf2xb6+/Bxb6 Ka7-a8/ e5-e4
01.Kc7-c8??                        03.Bb6-f2! [Switchback] e4-e3
01.Kc7-c6??                        04.b5-b6!  e3xf2
                                            05.b6-b7+ Ka8-a7
                                            06.b7-b8Q+ Ka7-a6

An orthodox moremover with a helpmate feel.
Key square: b6. In solution (a) the white king takes on b6 and the white pawn b5 mates here.
The white king returns on move 4 to his initial square. Flight-granting key.
In solution (b) the white bishop captures on this square, and the king is then mated on b6 by the strongest possible piece - a queen, in contrast to its previous mate on b6 by a pawn, supposedly the weakest piece on the board. In (b) the white bishop returns to f2, only to sacrifice itself.
Three switchbacks, four different pieces access b6, one model mate, miniature, a number of tries and attempts.