Thematic Try: 1.Qxf7? (thr. 2.Qg7#) but 1... Ra8#! Key: 1.Rh1!+ Kg8 2.Rh8+ Kxh8 3.Qxf7 (thr. 4.Qg7#) Ra8+ 4.Kb1 (thr. 5.Qg7#) Rg8 5.Qh5#
Berlin theme with a Prokeš maneuver in the Vorplan. Notice that in the set play the check to the white King is provided for: 1…Ra8+ 2.Qxa8+ Kh7 3.Qf8 Kg6 4.Qg7+ Kh5 5.Rh1#