Key: 1.Rc7 Bxc7 2.Re7 Bg3 3.Re1 Bxe1 4.Se3 Sf2+ 5.Kh2 Sg4+ 6.fxg4 Bg3+ 7.Kh1 any 8.Sec2#
Double rook sacrifice; the first with a Beschaeftigungsablenkung that removes the black bishop from its ideal square of g3 and does not allow the black rook to become active with either 1...Ra4 or 1...Ra5, both strong defensive moves. Particularly 2...Ra4 or even 3…Ra4 is disabled with this first rook sacrifice (with the black bishop on c7). The black rook hopes to become a Siegfriedsturm, sacrificing itself for the b4 knight; white counters this defense by sacrificing his own rooks, apparently for nothing; they are simply placed where they may be captured. 1.Re7? doesn't work immediately due to these strong black defenses. Paradoxically this gives white just enough time to get the rook to e1, where it will also be taken.
The problem has some Berlin theme reminiscence, since white would like to play 1.Se3 straight off (2. Sec2#), but is of course mated by what has been said to be the strongest defense to a mate threat, mate itself (although black’s move is in any case an effective set defense against the stipulation). The diversion of the bishop from g3 a second time removes the threat of Sf2#, reducing this to only a check, and allowing the execution of the Hauptplan of Se3. It should be noted that the mates are somewhat mirror-like in appearance, black's threat of Sf2# and white's execution of Sc2#.
The two rook sacrifices can be seen as gestaffelt (linked) Vorplaene designed to keep the bishop busy and diverted while not allowing the black rook to attain the activity it needs.
Auch hier einige Aufregungen (der Opferschlüssel wirkt ein wenig angeflickt), sonst aber alle Attribute eines logisch aufgebauten Mehrzügers unter Miteinbeziehung eines „provozierten“wK (Werner Schmoll). Der sL wird durch ein doppeltes T-Opfer von der Deckung des Feldes h2 abgelenkt, damit sich der Sd1 bewegen und der wK das Schach des sS schadlos überstehen kann (Manfred Nieroba). Noch einmal doppeltes Turmopfer zur Beschäftigung des Schwarzen in Verbindung mit dem Berlin-Thema. Leider konnte die brutale Verlängerung mit 6.fxg4 nicht vermieden werden (Arno Tüngler).