Tries: 1.Rxg7? (thr. 2.Ra7 3.Rxa5#) but 1...f2! (not 1...Bxg7) 1.Rc5? (thr. 2.Rxa5#) but 1...dxc5! 1.Bg3? (thr. 2.Bxd6#) but 1...Rxg3! 1.Rb7? (thr. 2.Rb3+ 3. Sb6#) but 1...Rxb7! Key: 1.Ra7! (thr. 2.Rxa5#) Rxa7 2.Bg3 (thr. 3.Bxd6#) Rb7 3.Bxd6+ Rb4 4.Sc7 (thr. 5.Sb5#) any 5.Sb5# 2...Rd7 3.Sc7 (thr. 4. Sb5#) Rxc7 4.Bxd6+ Rc5 5.Bxc5# 2...Ra6 3.Sc7 (thr. 4.Sb5#) Rb6 4.Bxd6+ Rxd6/b4 5.Sb5# 2...Bf8/f4 3.Bxf4 (thr. 4.Bc1/Bxd6#) Rb7 4.Bc1+ Rb2 5.Bxb2#.
A sacrificial moremover that sacrifices each piece in the solution except the WBc2.
Difficult to separate tries from key and fix pattern of sacrifices (J.G. Grevatt).