Try: The move 1.Bxe5?, an immediate active sacrifice of the white bishop, is refuted not by 1...Qxe3+ (or any other move!), but rather 1…h2! If 1.Bxe5 Qxe3+? 2.Sxe3+ Ke1 3.Bg3#, and 1…dxe5? simply would lead back to 2.c4! Key: 1.c4! (thr. 2.Sc3+ Kc1 3.Re1+ Kxb2 4.Rb1#) Qxe3+ 2.S×e3+ Ke1 3.Bxe5 dxe5 4.h8=R (4.h8=Q? h2 5.Qxe5 h1=S!) Kf2 5.Ra8 h2 6.Ra1 h1=Q/R 7.Rxh1 Kxf3 8.Rf1# 4...h2 5.Ra8 h1=Q/R 6.Ra1+ Kf2 7.Rxh1 Kxf3 8.Rf1 5...Kf2 6.Ra1 h1=Q/R 7.Kxf3 8.Rf1#
Phoenix, underpromotion, stalemate avoidance, echo motif between threat and solution, first example of a promoted four-corner-rook, clearance.