Tries: 1.Bd7? (thr. 2.Bf5#) but 1...Ra5! 1.Bh5? (thr. 2.f3+ Sxf3 3.Bxf3#) but 1...Sxf2! 1.Ba4? (thr. 2.Bc2#) but 1...Rxa4! Key: 1.Bf7! (thr. 2.Bd5#) Ra5 2.Bg8 Sf4 3.Bxh7+ Sg6 4.Bxg6+ Rf5 5.Bxf5# 2...Rh5 3.Ba2 Rc5 4.Bb1+ Rc2 5.Bxc2# 3...Sf4 4.Bb1+ Sd3 5.Bxd3# 3...Sxf2 4.Bb1+ Sd3 5.Bxd3#
“A corner-to-corner bishop maneuver, and echo play in the mates.” (les auteurs). “Niet al te moeilijk, maar leuk om op te lossen.” (FJ).