Try: 1.Re7? but 1...f5! (and mate in 6) Key: 1.Rh4! Bxh4 2.Sb6! axb6 3.cxb6 Qg3/f4/h2 4.Re7 Qc7 5.bxc7# 4...other 5.Re8# 3…Qc2 4.Rb8+ Qc8 5.Rxc8# 1…Qh2 2.Rxd4+ Bd6 3.Rxd6+ Qxd6 4.cxd6 any 5.Rb8#.
The main plan is Sb6! A five mover with the main play focused on the inability ot the black queen to win the duel with bishop, knight, and pawn. This achieved is accomplished by the diversion of the black bishop with one sacrifice, followed by another, the main plan. Economical problem with sacrifice of two white pieces.
A formidable key (Fernand Joseph). Despite all Rook force, the c-Pawn is the hero (John Dubois). Die besondere Feinheit ist 1.Re7? f5!, Uberraschendes Opferspiel zu begin (Wilfried Seehofer).