Key: 1.Kc7 a3 2.b3 Ka6 3.Sc6 Kb5 4.Sc3+ Ka6 5.b4 a2 6.b5# 1…Ka6 2.Sc6 Kb5 3.d3 Ka6 4.Sc3 a3 5.b4 etc. 2…a3 3.b3 Kb5 4.Sc3+ etc.).
Flight-giving key, model mate, d3 tempo move (Composer). A nice diagram. It took some time before I found the correct key (T.H. Traum). Various move orders but basically a single line of play (C.C. Frankiss). A good deal of play. The key gives black a little more latitude to avoid a prospective stalemate (J. Gill).