Tries: 1.S2a4? but 1...b4! 1.Sd5? but 1...d1=S! Key: 1.S6a4! (thr. 2.Sc3#) bxa4 2.Sxa4 (thr. 3.Sc3#) d1=S 3.Bb5 (thr. 4.Bd3#) e1=S 4.Bxa6 (thr. 5.Sc5#) Sb7/b3 5.B(x)b7# 4... Sd3 5.Bxd3#
Black underpromotion. Holst.
Jugement Problemaz 2007 (n-coups)Par Piet le Grand.
There are 21 participating problems. The quality of the problems is low. One can find the last time in all magazines many problems without a thematic content. In fact in these problems there is not more to see than that the black king is mated in many cases even at the edge of the board. Perhaps this may have some interest for solvers, but from the viewpoint of composition it has no value. Hence I have given only a small number of distinguishes. (...)
Recommende: Steven Dowd/Joaquim Crusats (No 120) Two good Knight-promotions. 1.S2a4? b4! is a good try.