Tries: 1.Qf8/e8/d8/g7/f7/e6? (thr. 2.Qxe7#) but 1…Kb4! 1.Qg1+? but 1…d4! 1.Rb2? (thr. 2.Qxd5#) 1…Kd4 2.Qxd5+ Kc3 3.Qd2# 2…Ke3 3.Qe4# but 1…e6! Key: 1.Qh7! (thr. 2.Qxe7#) c3 2.Qxe7+ Kc4 3.Bxd5# 1…Kb4 2.Qb1+ Kc3 3.Qb2# 2...Ka3/a4/a5 3.Ra2# 2…Kc5 3.Rxd5# 1…Kd6 2.Rxd5+ Ke6 3.Qg8#.
Classical style #3.
Unexpected key with interesting play (C.C. Frankiss). Good problem in classical style with precise continuations (E. Petite). Good key and nice variations (T.H. Traum). Not a difficult key (R. Lazowski).